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Project Reference: Global Rope Fittings GmbH
Vierhout Engineering (VE) has supported Global Rope Fittings (GRF) with the detailed design process of various new Wire Rope Fitting products. The #Mechanical #Engineering tasks were performed in close collaboration and with the modern innovative #CAD #Onshape tools by VE. The project scope in these cases was to create and deliver detailed 3D models including casting-, and machining production drawings, by GRF requirements. Some of these product developments are: Adjustable Connection Fittings, Fast Connection Sockets and Open Din Sockets. VE is grateful to GRF for these projects.
Are you interested in GRF products?
Contact: www.globalropefittings.com
Are you interested in professional mechanical engineering services? Feel free to contact.
Project in opdracht van ADS Groep: Innovatieve Waterzuivering op basis van het Verdygo principe
(Engineering & nieuwbouw RWZI) Project: - Verdygo video 19-12-2016